Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Breakfast of Champions: Nails

So it's taken me a bit of time to recover from my time at home for my Aunt Mabel's funeral. In typical Italian fashion, much time was spent in the funeral home, reconnecting with family, eating, and of course, dressing all in black. I must admit, with all of the bright summer color clothes I recently purchased, it was nice to return to my wardrobe of all black - remember it's lengthening and slimming (so I tell myself). My cousin Paula asked me to read a poem at the funeral home. Looking at all of my relatives in tears, I walked up to the casket and read a great poem about a conversation between God and an angel on what "ingredients" make the perfect mother. After reading the poem, one of my aunt's asked me how I was able to get through that without crying. She asked me what I ate for breakfast - nails? I think that was a compliment to the my strength. Luckily no one has camera access to my apartment - I am not always tear free lately.

When I was home, I was able to spend some time with my dad, which was awesome. Thursday of last week he had a great day! He went to work, didn't nap during the day and even made it out to dinner - in public! First time in 7 weeks. It was so nice to have him out and about, if only for a day. Upon my return to DC for the New Kids Concert (sidenote, those guys still got it going ON - Donnie without a shirt on is pretty yum), my mom called to say that my dad was being rushed to the hospital for shortness of breath. Turns out that pregnant belly of his keeps growning and the fluid buildup after chemo on Friday made it hard for him to breathe. They kept him in all weekend and were able to drain the fluid - wait for it - 13 liters! That's almost the equivelent of 7 bottles of coke! He went from a 44 in stomach to 38 in 3 days. He's home now and feeling better. No chemo this week so he can rest up and let that stomach relax. Think I should get him some of that cream expectant moms use to help keep stretch marks at bay?

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