Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ups and Downs

So we are T minus a week and a day until the last Oprah show. I was watching the episode last night on TiVo and she was visiting with Ralph Lauren at his home in Telluride. Made me want to move to Colorado, or just seek out his oldest son, who seems to be single! Anyway, as her show draws to an end, I seem to be more interested in the O emails I get on a daily basis, highlighting of course, her new network OWN, but also some nuggets of goodness from the past 25 years.

The O email today couldn't have been more perfect for the kind of day I am having. It highlighted an article about mental rest and relaxation in the midst of personal turmoil. Hmmm - dad has advanced cancer - yep, I think that qualifies! Martha Beck (one of the contributors to the famed book, The Secret), spoke about how from the minute you are born, there was no escaping the ups and downs of life, so it's best to put your seat belt on and prepare yourself for the ride. So what am I going to try doing from here on out: Relax, Be Fearless, Listen to My Body for Stressors, and REST!

Here's to you Oprah for once again giving me an a ha moment! Now, let's see how hard it is to practice these 4 little steps! I'll give you a hint - I've talked to my mom 5 times already today and it's only 3. Might be a little harder than I want, but I'm going to give it a valiant effort.

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